Corporate finance: innovative solutions

The Master's program "Corporate Finance: Innovative Solutions" is a unique program for training masters who are able to make responsible decisions to ensure the sustainability of corporate finance through the use of innovative solutions from the fintech industry.

Key features of the master's program:

  • High demand in the labor market (more than 1,800 active vacancies in Moscow alone) for professionals in the field of corporate finance
  • Introduction of courses on the use of IT products for digital payments based on blockchain technology
  • Using the Russian analytical platform Loginom in training, which develops the graduate’s ability to work in an innovative environment

All Master's Degree program at RANEPA’s Department of Finance and Banking

Financial Diplomacy

Registration for educational programs

 Department of finance and banking
Dean: Seda Nasibyan
Room 422, Prospect Vernadskogo, 82, Moscow, Russia, 119571

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